Imputation by the nuclear-norm regularization
Apply imputation to the data by the nuclear-norm regularization (Hastie et al. 2015) .
rank.max = NULL,
lambda = NULL,
thresh = 1e-05,
maxit = 100,
final.svd = TRUE,
seed = 362436069
- dataSet
A data frame containing the data signals.
- rank.max
An integer specifying the restriction on the rank of the solution. The default is set to one less than the minimum dimension of the dataset.
- lambda
A scalar specifying the nuclear-norm regularization parameter. If
lambda = 0
, the algorithm convergence is typically slower. The default is set to the maximum singular value obtained from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the dataset.- thresh
A scalar (default = 1e-5) specifying the convergence threshold, measured as the relative change in the Frobenius norm between two successive estimates.
- maxit
An integer (default = 100) specifying the maximum number of iterations before the convergence is reached.
- final.svd
A boolean (default = TRUE) specifying whether to perform a one-step unregularized iteration at the final iteration, followed by soft-thresholding of the singular values, resulting in hard zeros.
- seed
An integer (default = 362436069) specifying the seed used for the random number generator for reproducibility.
Hastie T, Mazumder R, Lee JD, Zadeh R (2015). “Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares.” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16(104), 3367—3402.