Apply imputation to the dataset by the sequential k-nearest neighbors algorithm (Kim et al. 2004) .
- dataSet
The 2d dataset of experimental values.
- reportImputing
A boolean (default = FALSE) specifying whether to provide a shadow data frame with imputed data labels, where 1 indicates the corresponding entries have been imputed, and 0 indicates otherwise. Alters the return structure.
- k
An integer (default = 10) indicating the number of neighbors to be used in the imputation.
reportImputing = FALSE
, the function returns the imputed 2d dataframe.If
reportImputing = TRUE
, the function returns a list of the imputed 2d dataframe and a shadow matrix showing which proteins by replicate were imputed.
Kim K, Kim B, Yi G (2004). “Reuse of Imputed Data in Microarray Analysis Increases Imputation Efficiency.” BMC bioinformatics, 5, 160. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-5-160 .