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The function preprocessing() takes a .csv file of summarized protein abundances, exported from Spectronaut. The most important columns that need to be included in this file are: R.Condition, R.Replicate, PG.ProteinAccessions, PG.ProteinNames, PG.NrOfStrippedSequencesIdentified, and PG.Quantity. This function will reformat the data and provide functionality for some initial filtering (based on the number of unique peptides). The steps below describe the functions that happen in the Preprocessing code.

1. Loads the raw data

  • If the raw data is in a .csv file Toy_Spectronaut_Data.csv, specify the fileName to read the raw data file into R.

  • If the raw data is stored as an .RData file Toy_Spectronaut_Data.RData, first load the data file directly, then specify the dataSet in the function.

2. Filters out identified proteins that exhibit “NaN” quantitative values

NaN, which stands for ‘Not a Number,’ can be found in the PG.Quantity column for proteins that were identified by MS and MS/MS evidence in the raw data, but all peptides from that protein lack an associated integrated peak area or intensity. This usually occurs in low abundance peptides that exhibit intensities close to the limit of detection resulting in poor signal-to-noise (S/N) and/or when there is interference from other co-eluting peptide ions with very similar or identical m/z values that lead to difficulty in parsing out individual intensity profiles.

3. Applies a unique peptides per protein filter

General practice in the proteomics field is to filter out proteins from which only 1 unique peptide was identified. This adds increased confidence to results already filtered to a 1% false discovery rate (FDR), since proteins that are identified with 2 or more peptides are less likely to be false positives. We recommend filtering out these protein entries in order to focus on more confident targets in the identified proteome. However, 1-peptide proteins can still be observed in the original protein report from Spectronaut.

4. Adds accession numbers to identified proteins without informative names

Spectronaut reports contain 4 different columns of identifying information:

  • PG.Genes, which is the gene name (e.g. CDK1).
  • PG.ProteinAccessions, which is the UniProt identifier number for a unique entry in the online database (e.g. P06493).
  • PG.ProteinDescriptions, which is the protein name as provided on UniProt (e.g. cyclin-dependent kinase 1).
  • PG.ProteinNames, which is a concatenation of an identifier and the species (e.g. CDK1_HUMAN).

Every entry in UniProt will have an accession number, but may not have all of the other identifiers, due to incomplete annotation. Because Uniprot includes entries for fragments of proteins and some proteins entries are redundant, a peptide can match to multiple entries for the same protein, which generates multiple possible identifiers in Spectronaut. Further, the ProteinNames entry in Spectronaut can switch formats: the preference is accession number and species, but can also be gene name and species instead.

This option tells msDiaLogue to substitute the accession number for an identifier if it tries to pull an identifier from a column with no information.

Note: Not all proteins can be identified unambiguously. In many cases, the identified peptides can be found in multiple protein sequences, which yields a protein group or protein cluster rather than a single protein identification. When this happens, the accession numbers for all potential matches are concatenated into one string, separated by periods. When you see long strings of multiple identifiers later in your data processing, this is why. Spectronaut sorts these alphanumerically, so you should not assume that the first protein in the list is most likely to be correct (as is the case in other search algorithms).

5. Saves a document to your working directory with all filtered out data, if desired

If saveRm = TRUE, the data removed in step 2 (preprocess_Filtered_Out_NaN.csv) and step 3 (preprocess_Filtered_Out_Unique.csv) will be saved in the current working directory.

As part of the preprocessing(), a histogram of log2log_2-transformed protein abundances is provided. This is a helpful way to confirm that the data have been read in correctly, and there are no issues with the numerical values of the protein abundances. Ideally, this histogram will appear fairly symmetrical (bell-shaped) without too much skew towards smaller or larger values.

## if the raw data is in a .csv file
fileName <- "../tests/testData/Toy_Spectronaut_Data.csv"
dataSet <- preprocessing(fileName,
                         filterNaN = TRUE, filterUnique = 2,
                         replaceBlank = TRUE, saveRm = TRUE)
Note: preprocessing() does not perform a transformation on your data. You still need to use the function transform().
## if the raw data is in an .Rdata file
dataSet <- preprocessing(dataSet = Toy_Spectronaut_Data,
                         filterNaN = TRUE, filterUnique = 2,
                         replaceBlank = TRUE, saveRm = TRUE)
#> Warning: Removed 25 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_bin()`).

#> Summary of Full Data Signals (Raw):
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    8577   88074  210461  653661  535701 5044124

#> Levels of Condition: 100fmol 50fmol 
#> Levels of Replicate: 1 2 3 4 5
100fmol 1 105497.85 1254717.6 1060555.9 224187.0 2410569 464875.9 181490.1 4189765 345700.1 24545.98 69218.43 91874.47 13348.120 426354.1 88630.06 227958.8 32128.59 NA NA
100fmol 2 97413.77 1220362.0 1059899.6 227931.1 2396752 477952.2 175121.3 4230263 339977.9 25938.39 69400.23 86165.41 9359.288 395663.8 87888.85 217351.5 31688.79 NA NA
100fmol 3 92411.47 1362763.1 1055651.2 219066.4 2358946 446657.5 181810.5 4384376 326688.5 22291.07 71694.90 91814.37 10157.106 NA 88932.05 202663.6 34704.88 172537.11 489415.6
100fmol 4 100762.16 1270573.4 1060255.8 209789.4 2388449 458660.3 165448.0 4272664 333170.9 23725.73 66992.01 99058.58 13830.882 NA 87089.87 230624.2 29539.77 172585.23 507468.9
100fmol 5 99035.44 1234380.8 1021856.6 206950.5 2325342 473778.7 173582.3 4066718 333222.6 20868.58 66214.05 94079.65 13272.666 NA 83254.25 224590.7 23633.19 136210.98 NA
50fmol 1 90283.59 686584.4 601005.6 293384.3 2866171 251238.0 189993.1 5028592 368101.3 46684.45 66062.98 118289.54 8576.864 NA 114119.27 272555.8 24733.25 60972.31 583439.9
50fmol 2 103628.16 764785.9 580436.1 312817.6 3090666 272467.7 211132.2 5039420 412326.3 41758.35 72337.18 116845.31 16022.972 NA 112596.48 305347.0 29952.96 NA 603853.8
50fmol 3 102738.70 742963.7 588663.6 323090.6 2981510 261662.1 184879.4 5044124 387863.9 41997.87 71494.94 114235.21 18709.572 NA 111635.11 292004.2 NA 112139.66 605655.4
50fmol 4 102062.97 679660.4 585632.6 259369.3 2591955 236597.4 161675.0 4770158 361139.3 32186.93 68405.24 103696.82 10490.210 NA 97793.41 259217.6 24244.19 109480.65 517728.2
50fmol 5 100568.80 695747.8 586316.2 272618.9 2624492 246098.1 155629.5 4769110 367231.3 29210.47 67668.77 109244.66 13339.395 NA 95007.62 260105.4 28142.99 NA 541691.9


Raw mass spectrometry intensity measurements are often unsuitable for direct statistical modeling because the shape of the data is usually not symmetrical and the variance is not consistent across the range of intensities. Most proteomic workflows will convert these raw values with a log2_2 transformation, which both reshapes the data into a more symmetrical distribution, making it easier to interpret mean-based fold changes, and also stabilizes the variance across the intensity range (i.e. reduces heteroscedasticity).

dataTran <- transform(dataSet, logFold = 2)

100fmol 1 16.68685 20.25893 20.01639 17.77434 21.20094 18.82649 17.46953 21.99844 18.39916 14.58320 16.07887 16.48738 13.70435 18.70169 16.43551 17.79841 14.97157 NA NA
100fmol 2 16.57184 20.21888 20.01550 17.79824 21.19265 18.86651 17.41799 22.01232 18.37508 14.66280 16.08265 16.39482 13.19218 18.59392 16.42339 17.72967 14.95169 NA NA
100fmol 3 16.49578 20.37810 20.00970 17.74101 21.16971 18.76881 17.47208 22.06394 18.31756 14.44418 16.12958 16.48643 13.31020 NA 16.44042 17.62873 15.08285 17.39655 18.90070
100fmol 4 16.62059 20.27705 20.01598 17.67858 21.18764 18.80707 17.33602 22.02670 18.34590 14.53416 16.03170 16.59599 13.75561 NA 16.41022 17.81518 14.85037 17.39695 18.95296
100fmol 5 16.59566 20.23536 19.96276 17.65893 21.14901 18.85385 17.40526 21.95543 18.34613 14.34904 16.01485 16.52160 13.69617 NA 16.34524 17.77694 14.52853 17.05548 NA
50fmol 1 16.46218 19.38908 19.19702 18.16243 21.45069 17.93870 17.53559 22.26172 18.48974 15.51065 16.01155 16.85196 13.06623 NA 16.80018 18.05619 14.59416 15.89587 19.15422
50fmol 2 16.66106 19.54470 19.14678 18.25496 21.55949 18.05573 17.68779 22.26483 18.65343 15.34978 16.14245 16.83424 13.96785 NA 16.78080 18.22009 14.87041 NA 19.20384
50fmol 3 16.64862 19.50293 19.16708 18.30158 21.50761 17.99735 17.49622 22.26617 18.56519 15.35803 16.12555 16.80165 14.19149 NA 16.76843 18.15563 NA 16.77494 19.20814
50fmol 4 16.63910 19.37445 19.15964 17.98465 21.30561 17.85207 17.30274 22.18561 18.46220 14.97419 16.06182 16.66201 13.35676 NA 16.57745 17.98380 14.56535 16.74032 18.98184
50fmol 5 16.61782 19.40820 19.16132 18.05653 21.32361 17.90887 17.24776 22.18529 18.48633 14.83420 16.04620 16.73720 13.70341 NA 16.53576 17.98874 14.78049 NA 19.04711


In some cases, a researcher may wish to filter out a specific protein or proteins from the dataset. The most common instance of this would be proteins identified from the common contaminants database, where the identification is necessary to avoid incorrect matching but the result is irrelevant to the experimental question and would not be included in data visualization. Other scenarios might include a mixed-species experiment where the researcher wants to evaluate data from only one species at a time. This step allows you to set aside specific proteins from downstream analysis, using the gene_species identifier format.

Note: The proteins to be selected or removed is the union of those specified in listName and those matching the regular expression pattern in regexName.
Keep in mind: Removal of any proteins, including common contaminants, will affect any global calculations performed after this step (such as normalization). This should not be done without a clear understanding of how this will affect your results.

Case 1. Remove proteins specified by the user in this step and keep everything else.

For example, the proteins named “ADH1_YEAST” and those containing “HUMAN” are chosen to be filtered out.

filterOutIn(dataTran, listName = "ADH1_YEAST", regexName = "HUMAN",
            removeList = TRUE, saveRm = TRUE)

where removeList = TRUE indicates the removal of proteins from the union of listName and regexName in dataTran. Please note that if saveRm = TRUE, the excluded data (“ADH1_YEAS” + “*HUMAN”) will be saved as a .csv file named filtered_out_data.csv in the current working directory.

R.Condition R.Replicate LYSC_CHICK CYC_BOVIN
100fmol 1 20.01639 18.82649
100fmol 2 20.01550 18.86651
100fmol 3 20.00970 18.76881
100fmol 4 20.01598 18.80707
100fmol 5 19.96276 18.85385
50fmol 1 19.19702 17.93870
50fmol 2 19.14678 18.05573
50fmol 3 19.16708 17.99735
50fmol 4 19.15964 17.85207
50fmol 5 19.16132 17.90887

Case 2. Keep the proteins specified by the user in this step and remove everything else.

Alternatively, if we would to keep proteins like “ADH1_YEAST” and “*HUMAN”, simply set removelist = FALSE.

filterOutIn(dataTran, listName = "ADH1_YEAST", regexName = "HUMAN",
            removeList = FALSE)
100fmol 1 16.68685 20.25893 17.77434 21.20094 17.46953 21.99844 18.39916 14.58320 16.07887 16.48738 13.70435 18.70169 16.43551 17.79841 14.97157 NA NA
100fmol 2 16.57184 20.21888 17.79824 21.19265 17.41799 22.01232 18.37508 14.66280 16.08265 16.39482 13.19218 18.59392 16.42339 17.72967 14.95169 NA NA
100fmol 3 16.49578 20.37810 17.74101 21.16971 17.47208 22.06394 18.31756 14.44418 16.12958 16.48643 13.31020 NA 16.44042 17.62873 15.08285 17.39655 18.90070
100fmol 4 16.62059 20.27705 17.67858 21.18764 17.33602 22.02670 18.34590 14.53416 16.03170 16.59599 13.75561 NA 16.41022 17.81518 14.85037 17.39695 18.95296
100fmol 5 16.59566 20.23536 17.65893 21.14901 17.40526 21.95543 18.34613 14.34904 16.01485 16.52160 13.69617 NA 16.34524 17.77694 14.52853 17.05548 NA
50fmol 1 16.46218 19.38908 18.16243 21.45069 17.53559 22.26172 18.48974 15.51065 16.01155 16.85196 13.06623 NA 16.80018 18.05619 14.59416 15.89587 19.15422
50fmol 2 16.66106 19.54470 18.25496 21.55949 17.68779 22.26483 18.65343 15.34978 16.14245 16.83424 13.96785 NA 16.78080 18.22009 14.87041 NA 19.20384
50fmol 3 16.64862 19.50293 18.30158 21.50761 17.49622 22.26617 18.56519 15.35803 16.12555 16.80165 14.19149 NA 16.76843 18.15563 NA 16.77494 19.20814
50fmol 4 16.63910 19.37445 17.98465 21.30561 17.30274 22.18561 18.46220 14.97419 16.06182 16.66201 13.35676 NA 16.57745 17.98380 14.56535 16.74032 18.98184
50fmol 5 16.61782 19.40820 18.05653 21.32361 17.24776 22.18529 18.48633 14.83420 16.04620 16.73720 13.70341 NA 16.53576 17.98874 14.78049 NA 19.04711


Besides protein names, the function filterProtein() provides a similar function to filter proteins by additional protein information.

  • For Spectronaut: “PG.Genes”, “PG.ProteinAccessions”, “PG.ProteinDescriptions”, and “PG.ProteinNames”.

  • For Scaffold: “ProteinDescriptions”, “AccessionNumber”, and “AlternateID”.

filterProtein(dataTran, proteinInformation = "preprocess_protein_information.csv",
              text = c("Ras-related protein Rab-3D", "Alcohol dehydrogenase 1"),
              by = "PG.ProteinDescriptions",
              removeList = FALSE)

where proteinInformation is the file name for protein information, automatically generated by preprocessing(). In this case, the proteins whose "PG.ProteinDescriptions" match with “Ras-related protein Rab-3D” or “Alcohol dehydrogenase 1” will be kept. Note that the search value text is used for exact equality search.

R.Condition R.Replicate RAB3D_HUMAN ADH1_YEAST
100fmol 1 16.68685 20.25893
100fmol 2 16.57184 20.21888
100fmol 3 16.49578 20.37810
100fmol 4 16.62059 20.27705
100fmol 5 16.59566 20.23536
50fmol 1 16.46218 19.38908
50fmol 2 16.66106 19.54470
50fmol 3 16.64862 19.50293
50fmol 4 16.63910 19.37445
50fmol 5 16.61782 19.40820


Normalization is designed to address systematic biases in the data. Biases can arise from inadvertent sample grouping during generation or preparation, from variations in instrument performance during acquisition, analysis of different peptide amounts across experiments, or other reasons. These factors can artificially mask or enhance actual biological changes.

Many normalization methods have been developed for large datasets, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The following factors should be considered when choosing a normalization method:

  1. Experiment-Specific Normalization:
    Most experiments run with UConn PMF are normalized by injection amount at the time of analysis to facilitate comparison. “Amount” is measured by UV absorbance at 280 nm, a standard method for generic protein quantification.

  2. Assumption of Non-Changing Species:
    Most biological experiments implicitly assume that the majority of measured species in an experiment will not change across conditions. This assumption is more robust if there are thousands of species, compared to only hundreds, or tens, so for experiments of very different complexities (e.g. a purified protein vs. an immunoprecipitation vs. a full lysate), normalization should not be applied as a global process, but instead only on subsets of experiments that are relatively similar to each other.

So far, this package provides three normalization methods for use:

  1. “quant”: Quantile (Bolstad et al. 2003) (values in each run are ranked, quantile bins are applied to the entire dataset, and values in each run adjusted to their closest bin value)

  2. “median”: Protein-wise Median (a scalar factor is applied to each protein entry to make the median of each sample equal to every other sample)

  3. “mean”: Protein-wise Mean (a scalar factor is applied to each protein entry to make the mean of each sample equal to every other sample)

Quantile normalization is generally recommended by UConn SCS.

dataNorm <- normalize(dataTran, normalizeType = "quant")
#> Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_boxplot()`).

Oh! The message “Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite values” indicates the presence of 16 NA (Not Available) values in the data. These NA values arise when a protein was not identified in a particular sample or condition and are automatically excluded when generating the boxplot but retained in the actual dataset.

100fmol 1 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.72739 21.21903 18.98797 17.31263 22.12204 18.16677 14.63812 16.02729 16.59092 13.59442 18.53901 16.43331 17.91104 15.24429 NA NA
100fmol 2 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.91104 21.21903 18.98797 17.31263 22.12204 18.16677 14.63812 16.02729 16.43331 13.59442 18.53901 16.59092 17.72739 15.24429 NA NA
100fmol 3 16.71547 20.06373 19.58448 18.00523 21.30239 18.66148 17.54057 22.12204 18.29036 14.60737 15.92981 16.55997 13.59442 NA 16.38081 17.81117 15.13860 17.08332 19.10318
100fmol 4 16.71547 20.06373 19.58448 17.81117 21.30239 18.66148 17.08332 22.12204 18.29036 14.60737 15.92981 16.55997 13.59442 NA 16.38081 18.00523 15.13860 17.54057 19.10318
100fmol 5 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.91104 21.21903 18.98797 17.72739 22.12204 18.53901 14.63812 16.02729 16.59092 13.59442 NA 16.43331 18.16677 15.24429 17.31263 NA
50fmol 1 16.55997 20.06373 19.58448 18.29036 21.30239 17.81117 17.54057 22.12204 18.66148 15.13860 16.38081 17.08332 13.59442 NA 16.71547 18.00523 14.60737 15.92981 19.10318
50fmol 2 16.43331 20.00402 18.98797 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 15.24429 16.02729 16.81611 13.59442 NA 16.59092 17.91104 14.63812 NA 19.49314
50fmol 3 16.02729 20.00402 18.98797 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 14.63812 15.24429 16.81611 13.59442 NA 16.43331 17.91104 NA 16.59092 19.49314
50fmol 4 16.55997 20.06373 19.58448 18.29036 21.30239 17.81117 17.54057 22.12204 18.66148 15.13860 15.92981 16.71547 13.59442 NA 16.38081 18.00523 14.60737 17.08332 19.10318
50fmol 5 16.59092 20.00402 19.49314 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 15.24429 16.02729 16.81611 13.59442 NA 16.43331 17.91104 14.63812 NA 18.98797


The two primary MS/MS acquisition types implemented in large scale MS-based proteomics have unique advantages and disadvantages. Traditional Data-Dependent Acquisition (DDA) methods favor specificity in MS/MS sampling over comprehensive proteome coverage. Small peptide isolation windows (<3 m/z) result in MS/MS spectra that contain fragmentation data from ideally only one peptide. This specificity promotes clear peptide identifications but comes at the expense of added scan time. In DDA experiments, the number of peptides that can be selected for MS/MS is limited by instrument scan speeds and is therefore prioritized by highest peptide abundance. Low abundance peptides are sampled less frequently for MS/MS and this can result in variable peptide coverage and many missing protein data across large sample datasets.

Data-Independent Acquisition (DIA) methods promote comprehensive peptide coverage over specificity by sampling many peptides for MS/MS simultaneously. Sequential and large mass isolation windows (4-50 m/z) are used to isolate large numbers of peptides at once for concurrent MS/MS. This produces complicated fragmentation spectra, but these spectra contain data on every observable peptide. A major disadvantage with this type of acquisition is that DIA MS/MS spectra are incredibly complex and difficult to deconvolve. Powerful and relatively new software programs like Spectronaut are capable of successfully parsing out which fragment ions came from each co-fragmented peptide using custom libraries, machine learning algorithms, and precisely determined retention times or measured ion mobility data. Because all observable ions are sampled for MS/MS, DIA reduces missingness substantially compared to DDA, though not entirely.

Function dataMissing() is designed to summarize the missingness for each protein, where plot = TRUE indicates plotting the missingness, and show_labels = TRUE means that the protein names are displayed in the printed plot. Note that the visual representation is not generated by default, and the plot generation time varies with project size.

dataMissing <- dataMissing(dataNorm, plot = TRUE, show_labels = TRUE)

The percentage in the protein labels represents the proportion of missing data in the samples for that protein. For instance, the label “XPO4_HUMAN (80%)” indicates that, within all observations for the protein “XPO4_HUMAN”, 80% of the data is missing. Additionally, the percentage in the legend represents the proportion of missing data in the whole dataset. In this case, 8.4% of the data in dataNorm is missing.

Regardless of plot generation, the function dataMissing() always returns a table providing the following information:

  • count_miss: The count of missing values for each protein.

  • pct_miss_col: The percentage of missing values for each protein.

  • pct_miss_tot: The percentage of missing values for each protein relative to the total missing values in the entire dataset.

count_miss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 1.00 4 3.00
pct_miss_col 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 10.00 40 30.00
pct_miss_tot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 6.25 25 18.75

For example, in the case of the protein “XPO4_HUMAN,” there are 8 NA values in the samples, representing 80% of the missing data for “XPO4_HUMAN” within that sample and 50% of the total missing data in the entire dataset.

Various imputation methods have been developed to address the missing-value issue and assign a reasonable guess of quantitative value to proteins with missing values. So far, this package provides 10 imputation methods for use:

  1. impute.min_local(): Replaces missing values with the lowest measured value for that protein in that condition.

  2. impute.min_global(): Replaces missing values with the lowest measured value from any protein found within the entire dataset.

  3. impute.knn(): Replaces missing values using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (Troyanskaya et al. 2001).

  4. impute.knn_seq(): Replaces missing values using the sequential k-nearest neighbors algorithm (Kim, Kim, and Yi 2004).

  5. impute.knn_trunc(): Replaces missing values using the truncated k-nearest neighbors algorithm (Shah et al. 2017).

  6. impute.nuc_norm(): Replaces missing values using the nuclear-norm regularization (Hastie et al. 2015).

  7. impute.mice_cart(): Replaces missing values using the classification and regression trees (Breiman et al. 1984; Doove, van Buuren, and Dusseldorp 2014; van Buuren 2018).

  8. impute.mice_norm(): Replaces missing values using the Bayesian linear regression (Rubin 1987; Schafer 1997; van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn 2011).

  9. impute.pca_bayes(): Replaces missing values using the Bayesian principal components analysis (Oba et al. 2003).

  10. impute.pca_prob(): Replaces missing values using the probabilistic principal components analysis (Stacklies et al. 2007).

Additional methods will be added later.

For example, to impute the NA value of dataNorm using impute.min_local(), set the required percentage of values that must be present in a given protein by condition combination for values to be imputed to 51%.

Note: There is no rule in the field of proteomics for filtering based on percentage of missingness, similar to there being no rule for the number of replicates required to draw a conclusion. However, reproducible observations make conclusions more credible. Setting the reqPercentPresent to 0.51 requires that any protein be observed in a majority of the replicates by condition in order to be considered. For 3 replicates, this would require 2 measurements to allow imputation of the 3rd value. If only 1 measurement is seen, the other values will remain NA, and will be filtered out in a subsequent step.
dataImput <- impute.min_local(dataNorm, reportImputing = FALSE,
                              reqPercentPresent = 0.51)
100fmol 1 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.72739 21.21903 18.98797 17.31263 22.12204 18.16677 14.63812 16.02729 16.59092 13.59442 18.53901 16.43331 17.91104 15.24429 17.08332 NA
100fmol 2 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.91104 21.21903 18.98797 17.31263 22.12204 18.16677 14.63812 16.02729 16.43331 13.59442 18.53901 16.59092 17.72739 15.24429 17.08332 NA
100fmol 3 16.71547 20.06373 19.58448 18.00523 21.30239 18.66148 17.54057 22.12204 18.29036 14.60737 15.92981 16.55997 13.59442 NA 16.38081 17.81117 15.13860 17.08332 19.10318
100fmol 4 16.71547 20.06373 19.58448 17.81117 21.30239 18.66148 17.08332 22.12204 18.29036 14.60737 15.92981 16.55997 13.59442 NA 16.38081 18.00523 15.13860 17.54057 19.10318
100fmol 5 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.91104 21.21903 18.98797 17.72739 22.12204 18.53901 14.63812 16.02729 16.59092 13.59442 NA 16.43331 18.16677 15.24429 17.31263 NA
50fmol 1 16.55997 20.06373 19.58448 18.29036 21.30239 17.81117 17.54057 22.12204 18.66148 15.13860 16.38081 17.08332 13.59442 NA 16.71547 18.00523 14.60737 15.92981 19.10318
50fmol 2 16.43331 20.00402 18.98797 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 15.24429 16.02729 16.81611 13.59442 NA 16.59092 17.91104 14.63812 15.92981 19.49314
50fmol 3 16.02729 20.00402 18.98797 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 14.63812 15.24429 16.81611 13.59442 NA 16.43331 17.91104 14.60737 16.59092 19.49314
50fmol 4 16.55997 20.06373 19.58448 18.29036 21.30239 17.81117 17.54057 22.12204 18.66148 15.13860 15.92981 16.71547 13.59442 NA 16.38081 18.00523 14.60737 17.08332 19.10318
50fmol 5 16.59092 20.00402 19.49314 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 15.24429 16.02729 16.81611 13.59442 NA 16.43331 17.91104 14.63812 15.92981 18.98797

If reportImputing = TRUE, the returned result structure will be altered to a list, adding a shadow data frame with imputed data labels, where 1 indicates the corresponding entries have been imputed, and 0 indicates otherwise.

After the above imputation, any entries that did not pass the percent present threshold will still have NA values and will need to be filtered out.

dataImput <- filterNA(dataImput, saveRm = TRUE)

where saveRm = TRUE indicates that the filtered data will be saved as a .csv file named filtered_NA_data.csv in the current working directory.

The dataImput is as follows:

100fmol 1 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.72739 21.21903 18.98797 17.31263 22.12204 18.16677 14.63812 16.02729 16.59092 13.59442 16.43331 17.91104 15.24429 17.08332
100fmol 2 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.91104 21.21903 18.98797 17.31263 22.12204 18.16677 14.63812 16.02729 16.43331 13.59442 16.59092 17.72739 15.24429 17.08332
100fmol 3 16.71547 20.06373 19.58448 18.00523 21.30239 18.66148 17.54057 22.12204 18.29036 14.60737 15.92981 16.55997 13.59442 16.38081 17.81117 15.13860 17.08332
100fmol 4 16.71547 20.06373 19.58448 17.81117 21.30239 18.66148 17.08332 22.12204 18.29036 14.60737 15.92981 16.55997 13.59442 16.38081 18.00523 15.13860 17.54057
100fmol 5 16.81611 20.00402 19.49314 17.91104 21.21903 18.98797 17.72739 22.12204 18.53901 14.63812 16.02729 16.59092 13.59442 16.43331 18.16677 15.24429 17.31263
50fmol 1 16.55997 20.06373 19.58448 18.29036 21.30239 17.81117 17.54057 22.12204 18.66148 15.13860 16.38081 17.08332 13.59442 16.71547 18.00523 14.60737 15.92981
50fmol 2 16.43331 20.00402 18.98797 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 15.24429 16.02729 16.81611 13.59442 16.59092 17.91104 14.63812 15.92981
50fmol 3 16.02729 20.00402 18.98797 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 14.63812 15.24429 16.81611 13.59442 16.43331 17.91104 14.60737 16.59092
50fmol 4 16.55997 20.06373 19.58448 18.29036 21.30239 17.81117 17.54057 22.12204 18.66148 15.13860 15.92981 16.71547 13.59442 16.38081 18.00523 14.60737 17.08332
50fmol 5 16.59092 20.00402 19.49314 18.16677 21.21903 17.72739 17.31263 22.12204 18.53901 15.24429 16.02729 16.81611 13.59442 16.43331 17.91104 14.63812 15.92981


This summarization provides a table of values for each protein in the final dataset that include the final processed abundances and fold changes in each condition, and that protein’s statistical relation to the global dataset in terms of its mean, median, standard deviation, and other parameters.

dataSumm <- summarize(dataImput, saveSumm = TRUE)
100fmol n 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.00000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.00000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000
100fmol mean 16.7758540 20.0279072 19.5296768 17.8731761 21.2523732 18.8573750 17.3953072 22.12204 18.2906540 14.6258172 15.9882985 16.5470182 13.59442 16.4438325 17.9243208 15.2020139 17.2206289
100fmol sd 0.0551255 0.0327043 0.0500279 0.1065418 0.0456588 0.1788241 0.2461674 0.00000 0.1519689 0.0168409 0.0533895 0.0654245 0.00000 0.0863134 0.1710908 0.0578860 0.2045679
100fmol median 16.8161120 20.0040234 19.4931415 17.9110449 21.2190287 18.9879697 17.3126283 22.12204 18.2903590 14.6381160 16.0272887 16.5599694 13.59442 16.4333052 17.9110449 15.2442878 17.0833151
100fmol trimmed 16.7758540 20.0279072 19.5296768 17.8731761 21.2523732 18.8573750 17.3953072 22.12204 18.2906540 14.6258172 15.9882985 16.5470182 13.59442 16.4438325 17.9243208 15.2020139 17.2206289
100fmol mad 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1396408 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3379478 0.00000 0.1832349 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0458926 0.00000 0.0778229 0.1480813 0.0000000 0.0000000
100fmol min 16.7154670 20.0040234 19.4931415 17.7273935 21.2190287 18.6614830 17.0833151 22.12204 18.1667688 14.6073689 15.9298133 16.4333052 13.59442 16.3808143 17.7273935 15.1386030 17.0833151
100fmol max 16.8161120 20.0637329 19.5844796 18.0052314 21.3023900 18.9879697 17.7273935 22.12204 18.5390145 14.6381160 16.0272887 16.5909235 13.59442 16.5909235 18.1667688 15.2442878 17.5405709
100fmol range 0.1006450 0.0597096 0.0913381 0.2778380 0.0833612 0.3264867 0.6440784 0.00000 0.3722458 0.0307471 0.0974754 0.1576183 0.00000 0.2101091 0.4393753 0.1056848 0.4572559
100fmol skew -0.2921187 0.2921187 0.2921187 -0.1530099 0.2921187 -0.2921187 0.1097890 NaN 0.6563002 -0.2921187 -0.2921187 -0.9261273 NaN 0.8334126 0.2273441 -0.2921187 0.6018551
100fmol kurtosis -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -1.7975401 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -1.7922330 NaN -1.3966206 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -1.0930665 NaN -1.1994567 -1.7942036 -2.2533333 -1.6733699
100fmol se 0.0246529 0.0146258 0.0223732 0.0476469 0.0204192 0.0799726 0.1100894 0.00000 0.0679626 0.0075315 0.0238765 0.0292587 0.00000 0.0386005 0.0765141 0.0258874 0.0914855
50fmol n 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.00000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.00000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000
50fmol mean 16.4342912 20.0279072 19.3276080 18.2162049 21.2523732 17.7609023 17.4038053 22.12204 18.5880019 15.0807795 15.9218986 16.8494236 13.59442 16.5107630 17.9487195 14.6196677 16.2927357
50fmol sd 0.2354653 0.0327043 0.3122802 0.0676932 0.0456588 0.0458838 0.1248493 0.00000 0.0670787 0.2530356 0.4159438 0.1378210 0.00000 0.1389384 0.0515880 0.0168409 0.5265619
50fmol median 16.5599694 20.0040234 19.4931415 18.1667688 21.2190287 17.7273935 17.3126283 22.12204 18.5390145 15.1386030 16.0272887 16.8161120 13.59442 16.4333052 17.9110449 14.6073689 15.9298133
50fmol trimmed 16.4342912 20.0279072 19.3276080 18.2162049 21.2523732 17.7609023 17.4038053 22.12204 18.5880019 15.0807795 15.9218986 16.8494236 13.59442 16.5107630 17.9487195 14.6196677 16.2927357
50fmol mad 0.0458926 0.0000000 0.1354179 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000 0.0000000 0.1566883 0.1445171 0.0000000 0.00000 0.0778229 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
50fmol min 16.0272887 20.0040234 18.9879697 18.1667688 21.2190287 17.7273935 17.3126283 22.12204 18.5390145 14.6381160 15.2442878 16.7154670 13.59442 16.3808143 17.9110449 14.6073689 15.9298133
50fmol max 16.5909235 20.0637329 19.5844796 18.2903590 21.3023900 17.8111655 17.5405709 22.12204 18.6614830 15.2442878 16.3808143 17.0833151 13.59442 16.7154670 18.0052314 14.6381160 17.0833151
50fmol range 0.5636348 0.0597096 0.5965099 0.1235902 0.0833612 0.0837721 0.2279426 0.00000 0.1224684 0.6061718 1.1365265 0.3678480 0.00000 0.3346527 0.0941865 0.0307471 1.1535018
50fmol skew -0.9131660 0.2921187 -0.2621938 0.2921187 0.2921187 0.2921187 0.2921187 NaN 0.2921187 -0.9580937 -0.5895834 0.7854057 NaN 0.4451142 0.2921187 0.2921187 0.5167641
50fmol kurtosis -1.1430792 -2.2533333 -2.2413934 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 NaN -2.2533333 -1.0559053 -1.2933074 -1.1605394 NaN -1.8437283 -2.2533333 -2.2533333 -1.8277532
50fmol se 0.1053033 0.0146258 0.1396560 0.0302733 0.0204192 0.0205199 0.0558343 0.00000 0.0299985 0.1131610 0.1860157 0.0616354 0.00000 0.0621351 0.0230709 0.0075315 0.2354856
Fold Change mean -0.3415628 0.0000000 -0.2020687 0.3430288 0.0000000 -1.0964727 0.0084981 0.00000 0.2973479 0.4549624 -0.0664000 0.3024055 0.00000 0.0669305 0.0243987 -0.5823461 -0.9278932
Fold Change sd 0.1803398 0.0000000 0.2622523 -0.0388486 0.0000000 -0.1329403 -0.1213181 0.00000 -0.0848902 0.2361947 0.3625543 0.0723966 0.00000 0.0526250 -0.1195028 -0.0410451 0.3219940
Fold Change median -0.2561427 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2557238 0.0000000 -1.2605762 0.0000000 0.00000 0.2486555 0.5004870 0.0000000 0.2561427 0.00000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.6369189 -1.1535018
Fold Change trimmed -0.3415628 0.0000000 -0.2020687 0.3430288 0.0000000 -1.0964727 0.0084981 0.00000 0.2973479 0.4549624 -0.0664000 0.3024055 0.00000 0.0669305 0.0243987 -0.5823461 -0.9278932
Fold Change mad 0.0458926 0.0000000 0.1354179 -0.1396408 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.3379478 0.00000 -0.1832349 0.1566883 0.1445171 -0.0458926 0.00000 0.0000000 -0.1480813 0.0000000 0.0000000
Fold Change min -0.6881783 0.0000000 -0.5051718 0.4393753 0.0000000 -0.9340895 0.2293132 0.00000 0.3722458 0.0307471 -0.6855255 0.2821618 0.00000 0.0000000 0.1836515 -0.5312341 -1.1535018
Fold Change max -0.2251885 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2851276 0.0000000 -1.1768042 -0.1868225 0.00000 0.1224684 0.6061718 0.3535256 0.4923916 0.00000 0.1245435 -0.1615374 -0.6061718 -0.4572559
Fold Change range 0.4629898 0.0000000 0.5051718 -0.1542477 0.0000000 -0.2427147 -0.4161357 0.00000 -0.2497773 0.5754247 1.0390511 0.2102298 0.00000 0.1245435 -0.3451889 -0.0749377 0.6962459
Fold Change skew -0.6210473 0.0000000 -0.5543125 0.4451286 0.0000000 0.5842374 0.1823297 NaN -0.3641815 -0.6659750 -0.2974647 1.7115331 NaN -0.3882984 0.0647746 0.5842374 -0.0850910
Fold Change kurtosis 1.1102542 0.0000000 0.0119400 -0.4557933 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.4611003 NaN -0.8567128 1.1974280 0.9600259 -0.0674730 NaN -0.6442716 -0.4591298 0.0000000 -0.1543832
Fold Change se 0.0806504 0.0000000 0.1172828 -0.0173736 0.0000000 -0.0594527 -0.0542551 0.00000 -0.0379641 0.1056295 0.1621392 0.0323767 0.00000 0.0235346 -0.0534433 -0.0183559 0.1440001

The column “Stat” in the generated result includes the following statistics:

  • n: Number.
  • mean: Mean.
  • sd: Standard deviation.
  • median: Median.
  • trimmed: Trimmed mean with a trim of 0.1.
  • mad: Median absolute deviation (from the median).
  • min: Minimum.
  • max: Maximum.
  • range: The difference between the maximum and minimum value.
  • skew: Skewness.
  • kurtosis: Kurtosis.
  • se: Standard error.


The function analyze() calculates the results that can be used in subsequent visualizations.

Note: The following listed analysis compare data under two conditions. The order of conditions will affect downstream analysis, as the second condition serves as the reference of comparison.

  • If only two conditions exist in the data and conditions is not specified, conditions will automatically be generated by sorting the unique values alphabetically and in ascending order.

  • If more than two conditions exist in the data, precisely two conditions for comparison must be specified via the argument conditions.

cond <- c("100fmol", "50fmol")

Student’s t-test

The Student’s t-test is used to compare the means between two conditions for each protein, reporting both the difference in means between the conditions and the P-value of the test.

Note: The difference is calculated by subtracting the mean of the second condition from the mean of the first condition (condition 1 - Condition 2).
anlys_t <- analyze(dataImput, conditions = cond, testType = "t-test")
#> Data are essentially constant.
#> Data are essentially constant.
Difference 0.3415628 0 0.2020687 -0.3430288 0 1.0964727 -0.0084981 0 -0.2973479 -0.4549624 0.0664000 -0.3024055 0 -0.0669305 -0.0243987 0.5823461 0.9278932
P-value 0.0296551 1 0.2229593 0.0005694 1 0.0000852 0.9473757 NA 0.0084762 0.0156987 0.7406309 0.0049582 NA 0.3919954 0.7731339 0.0000073 0.0135214
Note: In the Student’s t-test, a warning message might appear, stating “Data are essentially constant,” which means that the data contain proteins with the same value in all samples. In this case, the P-value of t-test returns NA.

Moderated t-test

The main distinction between the Student’s and moderated t-tests (Smyth 2004) lies in how variance is computed. While the Student’s t-test calculates variance based on the data available for each protein individually, the moderated t-test utilizes information from all the chosen proteins to calculate variance.

anlys_mod.t <- analyze(dataImput, conditions = cond, testType = "mod.t-test")
Difference 0.3415628 0 0.2020687 -0.3430288 0 1.0964727 -0.0084981 0 -0.2973479 -0.4549624 0.0664000 -0.3024055 0 -0.0669305 -0.0243987 0.5823461 0.9278932
P-value 0.0106414 1 0.1765624 0.0001868 1 0.0000004 0.9450320 1 0.0028978 0.0028530 0.7238526 0.0015565 1 0.3715159 0.7605007 0.0000000 0.0047454
Note: In the moderated t-test, a warning message might occur stating, “Zero sample variances detected, have been offset away from zero.” This warning corresponds to examples of proteins that exhibited identical quant values, either pre- or post-imputation, and therefore no variance is present across conditions for those proteins. This does not impede downstream analysis; it merely serves to alert users to its occurrence.


The result of testType = "MA" is to generate the data for plotting an MA plot, which represents the protein-wise averages within each condition.

Note: The rows of the output are ordered by conditions, impacting the subsequent MA plot visualization. Specifically, the first row represents the protein-wise average of the first condition, and the second row represents the second condition.
anlys_MA <- analyze(dataImput, conditions = cond, testType = "MA")
100fmol 16.77585 20.02791 19.52968 17.87318 21.25237 18.85738 17.39531 22.12204 18.29065 14.62582 15.9883 16.54702 13.59442 16.44383 17.92432 15.20201 17.22063
50fmol 16.43429 20.02791 19.32761 18.21620 21.25237 17.76090 17.40381 22.12204 18.58800 15.08078 15.9219 16.84942 13.59442 16.51076 17.94872 14.61967 16.29274


This section provides a variety of options for getting a global view of your data, making comparisons, and highlighting trends. Keep in mind that data visualization is most effective when illustrating a point or answering a question you have about your data, and not as a means to find a point/question.


The package offers two options for plotting the heatmap.

  • Option 1 utilizes the source package pheatmap, capable of plotting the dendrogram simultaneously. It is the default choice for heatmaps in this package.
visualize(dataImput, graphType = "heatmap",
          pkg = "pheatmap",
          cluster_cols = TRUE, cluster_rows = FALSE,
          show_colnames = TRUE, show_rownames = TRUE)

When protein names are excessively long, it is recommended to set show_rownames = FALSE to view the full heatmap.

  • Option 2 use the source package ggplot2 to generate a ggplot object but does not include the dendrogram.
visualize(dataImput, graphType = "heatmap", pkg = "ggplot2")

In a heatmap, similar colors within a row indicate relatively consistent values, suggesting similar protein expression levels across different samples.


An MA plot, short for “M vs. A plot,” which uses two axes:

  • M axis (vertical): Represents the logarithm (usually base 2) of the fold change, or the ratio of the expression levels, between two conditions. It is calculated as: M=log2(X/Y)=log2Xlog2YM = log_2(X/Y) = log_2 X - log_2 Y
  • A axis (horizontal): Represents the average intensity of the two conditions, calculated as: A=12log2(XY)=12[log2(X)+log2(Y)]A = \frac{1}{2}log_2(XY) = \frac{1}{2}\left[log_2(X)+log_2(Y)\right]

Most proteins are expected to exhibit little variation, leading to the majority of points concentrating around the line M = 0 (indicating no difference between group means).

Note: Again, the order of conditions in the analyze() will determine how the MA plot is visualized. The second row of anlys_MA acts as the comparison reference: the first and second rows refer to variables log2Xlog_2 X and log2Ylog_2 Y, respectively.
visualize(anlys_MA, graphType = "MA", M.thres = 1, transformLabel = "Log2")
#> Warning: Removed 16 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_text_repel()`).

where M.thres = 1 means the M thresholds are set to −1 and 1. The scatters are split into three parts: significant up (M > 1), no significant (-1 \leq M \leq 1), and significant down (M < -1). And transformLabel = "Log2" is used to prefix the title, x-axis, and y-axis labels. Additionally, the warning message “Removed 16 rows containing missing values” indicates that there are 16 proteins with no significance.


visualize(dataNorm, graphType = "normalize")
#> Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_boxplot()`).


Principal component analysis (PCA) is a powerful technique used in data analysis to simplify and reduce the dimensionality of large datasets. It transforms original variables into uncorrelated components that capture the maximum variance. By selecting a subset of these components, PCA projects the data points onto these key directions, enabling visualization and analysis in a lower-dimensional space. This aids in identifying patterns and relationships within complex datasets.

In the visualization for graphType = "PCA_*", the arguments center and scale are used to center the data to zero mean and scale to unit variance, with default setting at TRUE.

Note: Data scaling is done to ensure that the scale differences between different features do not affect the results of PCA. If not scaled, features with larger scales will dominate the computation of principal components (PCs).
Note: The most common error message for the PCA is “Cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance.” This clearly occurs when columns representing proteins contain only zeros or have constant values. Typically, there are two ways to address this error: one is to remove these proteins, and the other is to set scale = FALSE.

In the case of dataImput, two proteins, namely “TEBP_HUMAN” and “T126B_HUMAN,” have constant values, leading to the error message. We choose to remove these two proteins in PCA.

dataPCA <- dataImput[, !(colnames(dataImput) %in% c("TEBP_HUMAN", "T126B_HUMAN"))]


One way to help identify how many PCs to retain, is to explore a scree plot. The scree plot shows the eigenvalues of each PC, which represent the proportion of variance explained by that component.

visualize(dataPCA, graphType = "PCA_scree", center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
          addlabels = TRUE, choice = "variance", ncp = 10)
visualize(dataPCA, graphType = "PCA_scree", center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
          addlabels = TRUE, choice = "eigenvalue", ncp = 10)

where choice specifies the data to be plotted, either "variance" or "eigenvalue", addlabels = TRUE adds information labels at the top of bars/points, and ncp = 10 sets the number of dimension to be displayed.


The primary PCA plot of individual data visually represents the distribution of individual observations in a reduced-dimensional space, typically defined by the PCs. The x and y axes of the PCA plot represent the PCs. Each axis corresponds to a linear combination of the original variables. Individual data points on the PCA plot represent observations (e.g., samples) from the original dataset. Points that are close to the origin (0, 0), are close to the “average” across all protein abundances. If sufficient samples are present, the plot will also produce a 95% confidence ellipse, as well as a centroid (mean for each group provided), for each groups (condition) provided.

visualize(dataPCA, graphType = "PCA_ind", center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
          addlabels = TRUE, addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.level = 0.95)


This plot will be more useful if your analyses are based on a relatively small number of proteins. It represents the association, or loading of each protein on the first two PCs. Longer arrows represents stronger associations.

Note: Proteins that are weakly associated with PC1 or PC2 may still be highly correlated with other PCs not being plotted. Consult the scree plot (and other available methods) to determine the appropriate number of PCs to investigate.
visualize(dataPCA, graphType = "PCA_var", center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
          addlabels = TRUE)


The PCA biplot includes individual and variable plots. Again, with a large number of proteins, this plot can be unwieldy.

visualize(dataPCA, graphType = "PCA_biplot", center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
          addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.level = 0.95, label = "all")


The function visualize() can be applied to any t-test output. It generates two useful plots: a histogram of fold changes across the analyzed proteins and a histogram of P-values. The majority of proteins are expected to show very small change between conditions, so the fold change histogram will have a peak at around zero. For the P-values, most P-values are expected to be non-significant (above 0.05). Depending on the strength of the treatment effect, there may be a peak of p-values near 0.

visualize(anlys_mod.t, graphType = "t-test")


The upset plot is a visual representation that helps display the overlap and intersection of sets or categories in a dataset. It is particularly useful for illustrating the presence or absence of elements in combinations of sets.

dataSort <- sortcondition(dataSet)
visualize(dataSort, graphType = "Upset")

This plot reveals that 18 proteins are in common between 100fmol and 50fmol, while only 1 protein is unique to 100fmol.


The Venn plot is another graphical representation of the relationships between sets. Each circle represents a set, and the overlapping regions show the elements that are shared between sets.

visualize(dataSort, graphType = "Venn",
          show_percentage = TRUE,
          fill_color = c("blue", "yellow", "green", "red"),
          show_universal = FALSE)

In the example above, 100fmol and 50fmol groups share 18 proteins. Notably, one protein is exclusively found in the 100fmol group, while the 50fmol group lacks any unique proteins.


A volcano plot is a graphical representation commonly used in proteomics and genomics to visualize differential expression analysis results. It is particularly useful for identifying significant changes in extensive data. It displays two important pieces of information about differences between conditions in a dataset:

  • Statistical significance (vertical): Represents the negative log10 of the P-value.

  • Fold change (horizontal): Represents the fold change.

visualize(anlys_mod.t, graphType = "volcano",
          P.thres = 0.05, logF.thres = 0.6)
#> Warning: Removed 15 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_text_repel()`).

Other useful function

The function pullProteinPath() allows you to see the values associated with a specific protein at each step of processing. This can be useful for questions such as, “Were all of the values for my favorite protein actually measured, or were some imputed?” or “Why didn’t my favorite protein make it to the final list? Where was it filtered out?”. It can also be used to check whether a given protein’s fold-change might have been a processing artifact.

ZC11B <- pullProteinPath(proteinName = "ZC11B_HUMAN",
                         dataSetList = list(Initial = dataSet,
                                            Transformed = dataTran,
                                            Normalized = dataNorm,
                                            Imputed = dataImput))
R.Condition R.Replicate Initial Transformed Normalized Imputed
100fmol 1 NA NA NA 17.08332
100fmol 2 NA NA NA 17.08332
100fmol 3 172537.11 17.39655 17.08332 17.08332
100fmol 4 172585.23 17.39695 17.54057 17.54057
100fmol 5 136210.98 17.05548 17.31263 17.31263
50fmol 1 60972.31 15.89587 15.92981 15.92981
50fmol 2 NA NA NA 15.92981
50fmol 3 112139.66 16.77494 16.59092 16.59092
50fmol 4 109480.65 16.74032 17.08332 17.08332
50fmol 5 NA NA NA 15.92981


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